"Hallowed Moon" is the first international solo release by this widely recognized Australian composer is a superbly understated collection. John writes for the guitar and with the feel a Japanese artist, sparingly complement his pieces with brushstrokes of oboe, chime harp, violin, cello and rainmaker. The simple beauty and graceful performance that distinguishes this recording will transport the listener to a gentle place filled with stirring melodies.
The critics:
“It takes more than technical mastery to compose music and play it on the guitar in a way that really touches people’s hearts. Australian John Mills has such artistic talent.” (New Age Retailer)
“Though surrounded by other sounds from other instruments, the guitar shines through like the star of Bethlehem in a bejeweled heaven. Excellent for stress reduction; sure sales with in-store play” (NAPRA)
“Hallowed Moon is an evocative recording that should resonate deeply for lovers of acoustic music. Recommended” (Wind & Wire)
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An utter bliss of melody and performance!
"Hallowed Moon" concentrates on John Mills’ guitar work though it does include embellishments from a few guest artists. One such guest is Lisa Harbor who adds her evocative violin and viola work. The most obvious track that features her is “This Winter’s Sadness” and most likely “Rhea’s Song”. Both tracks are reflective and poignant. In fact, this tone is also well represented by the opening track “So The Wind Won’t Blow It All Away”. Fortunately, the song is as lengthy as its title and is as refreshing as a soft gentle cool breeze on a warm summer day. However, this album is more about Mills and his exquisite guitar work. His most optimistic work can be found courtesy of “For You”. Ever so lightly embellished by his minor percussion effects, the song is an utter bliss of melody and performance. This sanguinity is revisited on the closing track “An Unusual Summer”. However, if the more ambitious themes are preferred then check out “To The Hallowed Moon”. It clocks in over 8 minutes of music and during that time John explores the entire neck of his guitar without ever going over the top. It also features the labor of Lucy Bellfrage on oboe. Meanwhile, the illuminating “Into The Dark Night” explores a more classical guitar performance.
Exquisite, delicate & sublime!
“The nylon guitar is such an amazing instrument and John knows how to extract its beauty - It is truly extraordinary how much emotion and beauty can be conveyed through this most delicate and at the same time powerful pieces”