For the past 20 years, John Adorney's music has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world, and his albums have sold over 200,000 copies. We at EverSound are often asked by new fans who discover John's music, "Which of John's CDs should I purchase first?" To answer that question, we've created THE ESSENTIAL JOHN ADORNEY - a collection that we feel covers the breadth, depth and beauty of John's music.
"John's impeccable music production is so emotionally reliable that one feels very safe listening to his music. Pure love therapy."
~ Suzanne Ciani, Keyboard Hall of Fame inductee
The Songs:
1 The Potter’s Gift
2 Yilowe
3 Even in Your Darkest Hour
4 Dance of the Moon and Stars
5 The Wind Pearl
6 Never Alone
7 Trees of Gold
8 When the Moon is Always New
9 In Bloom
10 The Heart Cloth
11 If a Rose Could Speak
12 As My Heart Desires
13 Neverending (live version)
14 Sailing by Starlight
15 River of Breath
Total length: 75 minutes
For additional informationclick on the pics underneath the CD cover
2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Overwhelming beauty at its highest pinnacle!
Overwhelming beauty at its highest pinnacle, musical genius and enthrallment with its highest possible, potential for elevating, interest, joy and surprise and creative musical wonder!
One of the finest collectiosn ever!
In general, I am a big fan of "Best of" collections since very few solo albums manage to truly get my my full attention track after track. This one is truly remarkable in that every piece is a shining jewel. Some of the pieces are touching, others are joyful and evocative; and some are, simply. sublime! Thank you John, and I hope that the wonder well inside of you never ceases to produce magic...